Straight Seed Varieties

Annual Rye 222x300 1

Annual Rye

Annual Rye is used for temporary soil erosion control and as a cover crop due to its quick germination. This variety germinates in 5-10 days. Application rate for Annual Rye is 25-100 lbs per acre. Stocked in Fairfield and Streetsboro.

Kentucky Bluegrass 210x300 1

Kentucky Bluegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass is a good turf grass that mixes well with Tall Fescues that can be as a primary lawn or for over seeding. This variety germinates in 7-14 days. Application rates for new seeding is 6-8 lbs per 1000 square feet and 2-4 lbs for over seeding. Stocked in Fairfield and Steetsboro.

Perennial Rye 227x300 1

Perennial Rye

Perennial Rye is a good turf grass that mixes well with Tall Fescues that can be used as primary lawn or for over seeding. This variety germinates in 5-10 days. Application rate for bare ground is 6-8 lbs per 1000 square feet and 2-4 lbs for over seeding. Stocked in Fairfield and Streetsboro.

Specialty Wildflower

Specialty/Wildflower Mixes

Finn All Seasons can supply almost any of your Wild Flower or Native Grass needs. Please call your nearest Finn All Seasons location for availability and lead times for your special mixes.